Banking Knowledge Database
General information
The database is structured in a way that ensures full comparability between individual players on the market, as well as in terms of specific time series. We keep track of all regulatory changes at the national and European Union level, as well as internal changes of individual banks, in order to adjust our information accordingly. The database also neutralizes the biased publication of indicators, which banks often use to appear better in the eyes of investors. Data is collected quarterly, i.e., with the greatest possible frequency.

The range of offered solutions
Financial data from balance sheets, profit and loss accounts
Data from detailed notes to the financial statements, such as loans, deposits, quality of the loan portfolio, capital adequacy
Operational and structural data such as employment, branch network, number of clients, number of accounts, number of ATMs
Financial data on operating segments
Multiple indicators of the bank's condition
Examples of clients choosing this solution
Consulting companies that require quick access to data or are preparing for a meeting with a client from the banking industry
Government institutions, consulting companies, analytical companies, research institutes interested in analyzing the banking market
Startup companies in the fintech industry
Research and analysis departments in financial institutions