General information
We offer access to an API service containing geographic information returned instantly by our databases and external APIs. Geographic data is available as an interface in a web browser and as sets of VBA macros that will allow you to load data in an Excel spreadsheet and use its native formulas. The solution is available in a prepaid or periodic payment model, depending on the type of use.
The range of offered solutions
Convenient use of MS Excel and its native functions
Returning geographic coordinates for a given address (geocoding)
Returning the address for the given geographical coordinates (reverse geocoding)
Returning the province for the given county/municipality/zip code
Returning the county for a given municipality/zip code
Returning the distance between two given addresses
Returning data, e.g., population, average wage, and a wide range of statistics
Examples of clients choosing this solution
Analysts and consultants using geolocation data to map the network of points of sale
Marketing and strategic departments of companies with a large number of branches that need access to current geolocation data