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Papiery Agencja Kreatywna

Products and services

Analiza rynku

Market analysis and research

We help clients find a point of view on individual sectors and sub-sectors, both in the context of local and international markets.

Analysing data

Advanced data analysis

We automate business processes based on MS Office applications, increasing efficiency and reducing the risk of errors resulting from human factors.

Image by Martin Sanchez


We offer access to an API service containing geographic information returned instantly by our databases and external APIs.

Banking Knowledge database

The database is structured in a way that ensures full comparability between individual players on the market, as well as in terms of specific time series. We keep track of all regulatory changes at the national and European Union level.

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sporządzanie notatek

Operational task project support

Thanks to the appropriate experience and resources, we are able to offer our clients support in intensive projects.

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